Book Chapters
- Piché, J., Speight, S., & Walby, K. 2022. 'The Prison in/as a Pandemic: Human Rights Implications of Carceral ‘Solutions’ in Response to COVID-19 in Canada'. In A. Neve (ed), 2021 Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights. Ottawa: Human Rights Research and Education Centre.
- Walby, K. 2022. ‘Against the Social Harms of Policing’. Pasternak, S., K. Walby, A. Stadnyk (eds).Forthcoming in Disarm, Defund, Dismantle: Police Abolition in Canada, Toronto: BTL Press.
- Pasternak, S., Stadnyk, A., and K. Walby. 2022. ‘Defunding the Police: Introduction’. Pasternak, S., K. Walby, A. Stadnyk (eds). Forthcoming in Disarm, Defund, Dismantle: Police Abolition in Canada, Toronto: BTL Press.
- Luscombe, A. and K. Walby. 2022. ‘Freedom of Information Law and Socio-Legal Studies’. M. Alam, P. Dwyer, K. Roots, J. Williams (eds). Forthcoming in Socio-Legal Imaginations, Edmonton: University of Athabasca Press.
- Walby, K. and J. Piche. ‘Colonial Myths in Canadian Police Museums’. Savarese, J., V. Chartrand (eds). Forthcoming in Neo-Colonialism in Canada, Edmonton: University of Athabasca Press.
- Luscombe, A., K. Walby and D. Silva. ‘Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada’. Forthcoming in Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Monaghan, J. and K. Walby. 2020. ‘Under the Gaze: Policing and Surveillance of Social Movements that Resist Extractive Capitalism’. Daschuk, M., C. Brooks, J. Popham (eds). In Exclusion and Resistance: An Introduction to Social Control in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood. Pp. 404-437.
- Kohm, S. and K. Walby. 2020. ‘Crunch Time: Temporalities of Scrap Metal Collection’. Allon, F. R. Barcan and K. Eddison-Cogan (eds). In Temporalities of Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Time. London: Routledge. Pp. 222-239.
- Shook, J., Piche, J. and K. Walby. 2020. ‘The “Prison [Tourism] Fix”: Carceral Habitus and Retasking in Kingston, Ontario’. In Canadian Prisons: Understanding the Correctional Landscape, C. Cesaroni (ed). Toronto: Oxford University Press. Pp. 251-269.
- Walby, K. and R. Lippert. 2020. ‘Marketization or Corporatization: Exploring Key Concepts and Change in Policing and Criminal Justice in Canada’. In Marketization and Criminal Justice, M. Corocan, K. Albertson and J. Phillips (eds). London: Routledge. Pp. 121-133.
- Ferguson, J. Piche, M., Gwen Ricordeau, C. Boe, and K. Walby. 2020. ‘Police Museums, the Naturalization of Colonial Conquests, and the Legitimation of Law Enforcement in Canada and France’. In Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and Exclusion, Cote-Lussier, C., Moffette, D. and J. Piche (eds), Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Pp. 41-66.
- Walby, K. and A. Luscombe. 2020. ‘Freedom of Information and Data Analysis: Content Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Metaphor Analysis and Network Analysis’. In Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design, Walby, K. and A. Luscombe (eds). London: Routledge. Pp. 155-170.
- Walby, K. and A. Luscombe. 2020. ‘Introduction: Freedom of Information and Research Design in International Perspective’. In Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design, Walby, K. and A. Luscombe (eds). London: Routledge. Pp. 1-10.
- Walby, K. 2019. ‘Male Sex Work and Storied Encounters’. In Male Sex Work, 2nd Edition. edited by Scott, John, New York: Harrington Park Press.
- Walby, K. and A. Luscombe. 2019. ‘The Use of Freedom of Information Requests in Criminology, Criminal Justice Studies, and Socio-Legal Studies’. Deflem, Mathieu and Derek M.D. Silva (Eds.). In Methods of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research. Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance, Volume 24. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. Pp 33-46.
- Carrier, N., Piché, J., & Walby, K. 2019. ‘Abolitionism and Decarceration’. M. Deflem (ed.). In The Handbook of Social Control, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. Pp. 319-332.
- Piché, J., K. Walby, and N. Carrier. 2019. ‘An Introduction to Prison and Penal Abolition’. Weinrath, M. and J. Winterdyk (eds). In Adult Corrections in Canada. Whitby, ON: deSitter Publications. Pp 296-323.
- Ferguson, M, J. Piche, and Walby, K. 2019. ‘The Invisibility of Surveillance History at Police Museums in Ontario, Canada’. Heynen, R. and E. van der Meulen (eds). In Histories of the Surveillance Society. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp 373-405.
- Walby, K. and R. Lippert. 2018. ‘Police Foundations and the Corporatization of Criminal Justice in Canada’. In Corporatizing Canada: Making Business Out of Public Service. Brownlee, Jamie, C. Hurl and K. Walby (eds). Toronto: Between the Lines Press. Pp 99-109.
- Brownlee, Jamie, C. Hurl and K. Walby. 2018. ‘Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Corporatization’. In Corporatizing Canada: Making Business Out of Public Service. Brownlee, Jamie, C. Hurl and K. Walby (eds). Toronto: Between the Lines Press. Pp 1-15.
- Ferguson, M, D. Madill, and Walby, K. 2017. ‘'Everybody likes Escape Stories': Exploring Representations of Prison Escape in Canadian Penal History Museums’. Chantraine, G.and T. Martin (eds). In Prison Breaks: Towards a Sociology of Escape. London: Palgrave. Pp 329-354.
- Walby, K. 2017. ‘Stories, Scripts, and Encounters: Interactionist Views of Male Sex Work’. Cirus Rinaldi (eds). In Sexual Scripting Revisited. Milan: Franco Angeli. Pp 163-180.
- Walby, K., R.K. Lippert and J. Gacek. 2017. ‘Securitizing National Interests: Canadian Federal Government Departments, Corporate Security Creep, and Security Regimes’. In National Security, Surveillance, and Terror: Canada and Australia in Comparative Perspective. Lipert, R., K. Walby, I. Warren and D. Palmer (eds). London: Palgrave. Pp 155-176.
- Walby, K., R.K. Lippert, I. Warren and D. Palmer. 2017. ‘Interrogating National Security, Surveillance and Terror in Canada and Australia’. In National Security, Surveillance, and Terror: Canada and Australia in Comparative Perspective. Lipert, R., K. Walby, I. Warren and D. Palmer (eds). London: Palgrave. Pp 1-22.
- Luscombe, A., K. Walby and Piché, J.. 2017. ‘Haunting Encounters at Canadian Penal History Museums’. In Handbook of Prison Tourism. Wilson, J., S. Hodgkinson, J. Piche and K. Walby (eds). London: Palgrave. Pp 433-451.
- Piché, J., K. Walby and Watts, J. 2017. ‘Representations of Capital Punishment in Canadian Penal History Museums’. In Handbook of Prison Tourism. Wilson, J., S. Hodgkinson, J. Piche and K. Walby (eds). London: Palgrave. Pp 539-555.
- Wilson, J., S. Hodgkinson, J. Piche and K. Walby. 2017. ‘Introduction: Prison Tourism in Context’. In Handbook of Prison Tourism. Wilson, J., S. Hodgkinson, J. Piche and K. Walby (eds). London: Palgrave. Pp 1-10.
- Piché, J. and K. Walby. 2016. ‘Dark Tourism, Penal Landscapes and Criminological Inquiry’. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Brown, M. (ed).Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Piché, J., K. Walby and C. Minogue. 2016. ‘Carceral Tours and Missed Opportunities: Revisiting Conceptual, Ethical and Pedagogical Dilemmas’. In Engaging with Ethics in International Criminological Research. Adorjan, M. and R. Ricciardelli (eds). London: Routledge. Pp 175-191.
- Brownlee, Jamie and K. Walby. 2015. ‘Access to Information and Social Justice’. In Access to Information and Social Justice: Critical Research Strategies for Journalists, Scholars and Activists. Brownlee, Jamie and K. Walby (eds). Winnipeg: Arbeiter Ring Publishing (ARP) Books. Pp 1-20.
- Walby, K. and J. Piché. 2015. ‘Carceral Retasking and the Work of Historical Societies at Decommissioned Lock-ups, Jails, and Prisons in Ontario’. In Historical Geographies of Prisons: Unlocking the Usable Carceral Past. K. Morin and D. Moran (eds). London: Routledge. Pp 88-105.
- Walby, K. and Seantel Anaïs. 2015. ‘Research Methods, Institutional Ethnography, and Feminist Surveillance Studies’ In Feminist Surveillance Studies. Magnet, S. (ed). Durham: Duke University Press. Pp 208-220.
- Lippert, R. and K. Walby. 2014. ‘Critiques of Corporate Security: Cost, Camouflage, and Creep’. In Gill, M. (ed). Handbook of Security. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp 881-899.
- Walby, K., R. Lippert. 2014. ‘Governing Every Person, Place and Thing: Corporate Security in Context’. Corporate Security in the 21st Century. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp 1-13.
- Walby, K., Alex Luscombe and R. Lippert. 2014. ‘Expertise and the Professionalization of Municipal Corporate Security in Canadian Cities’. Corporate Security in the 21st Century. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp 116-133.
- Walby, K. and R. Lippert. 2013. ‘Municipal Corporate Security and Risk Mitigation Companies: a New Military Urbanism?’ In Policing Cities: Urban Securitization and Regulation in the 21st Century. Lippert, R. and K. Walby (eds). London: Routledge. Pp 207-221.
- Lippert, R. and K. Walby. 2013. ‘How the World’s Cities are Policed, Regulated and Securitized’. In Policing Cities: Urban Securitization and Regulation in the 21st Century. Lippert, R. and K. Walby (eds). London: Routledge. Pp 1-8.
- Walby, K. and André Smith. 2012. ‘Surveillance, Sex, and Sexuality: Lenses and Dividing Lines’. In Policing Sex. Johnson, P. and D. Dalton (eds). London: Routledge. Pp 54-66.
- Larsen, Mike and K. Walby. 2012. ‘Introduction: Power, Politics and Freedom of Information Process in Canada’. In Brokering Access: Power, Politics and Freedom of Information Process in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Pp 1-34.
- Walby, K. and D. Spencer. 2012. ‘Objects, Organizations and the Emotional Climate of a Mass Spectrometry Laboratory’. In Emotions Matter: a Relational Approach to Emotions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp 181-200.
- Walby, K., D. Spencer and A. Hunt. 2012. ‘A Relational Approach to Emotions’. In Emotions Matter: a Relational Approach to Emotions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp 3-8.
- Walby, K. and D. Spencer. 2012. ‘How Emotions Matter to Moral Panics’. Hier, S. (ed). In Moral Panics and the Politics of Anxiety. London: Routledge. pp 104-117.
- Lett, D. S. Hier, K. Walby, and A. Smith. 2012. ‘Panic, Regulation and the Moralization of British Law and Order Politics’. Hier, S. (ed). In Moral Panics and the Politics of Anxiety. London: Routledge. pp 155-170.
- Walby, K. 2012. ‘What Keeps Men Who Have Sex with Men Up At Night: Sexual Stigma and Homophobia’. Bruckert, Christine and Stacey Hannem (eds). In Stigma Revisited: Negotiations, Resistance and the Implications of the Mark. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Pp 79-94.
- Doyle, A. and K. Walby. 2011. ‘Cab Cameras: the Case of Surveillance in Ottawa Taxi Cabs’. Doyle, A., R. Lippert and D. Lyon (eds). In Eyes Everywhere: The Global Growth of Camera Surveillance. London: Routledge. Pp 185-201.
- Walby, K. 2011. ‘Anarcho-Abolitionism: a Challenge to Conservative and Liberal Criminology’. Doyle, Aaron, and Dawn Moore (eds). In Critical Criminology in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Pp 288-307.
- Walby, K. 2009. ‘Surveillance of Male with Male Public Sex in Ontario, 1983-1994’. Hier, Sean and Josh Greenberg (eds). In Surveillance: Power, Problems and Politics. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Pp 46-58.
- Walby, K. and S. Hier. 2009. ‘Securitizing Citizenship: ID Cards, Passports and Border Surveillance in Canada’. Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra (ed). In Anti-Terrorism: Security and Insecurity After 9/11. Halifax: Fernwood. Pp 125-140.
- Hier, S., K. Walby and J. Greenberg. 2006. ‘Supplementing the Panoptic Paradigm: Surveillance, Moral Governance, and CCTV’. Lyon, David (ed). In Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond. Cullompton: Willan. Pp 230-244.
- Huey, L., K. Walby, and A. Doyle. 2006. ‘Cop Watching in the Downtown Eastside: Exploring the Use of (Counter) Surveillance as a Tool of Resistance’. Monahan, T. (ed). In Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics in Everyday Life. London: Routledge. Pp 149-156.
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