23.3213/3-001 |
Sedimentology |
Fall Term 2003 |
INSTRUCTOR: | Bill Buhay |
office: | 4CM31 |
e-mail: | b.buhay@uwinnipeg.ca |
voice mail | 786 9481 |
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 14:30-15:45 PM, 3C14
Laboratories: Tuesday 11:30 AM - 13:20 PM, 5L15
Course Objectives: To allow students to examine the techniques used in the study of sediments in order to assess and interpret terrigenous clastic depositional systems
Course Description: This course introduces students to the theory, techniques and applications of pure and applied sedimentology
LABORATORIES: The labs in Sedimentology are considered integral parts of the course and will be presented as such. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to attend all scheduled labs.
20% |
Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 14:30 |
Lab Reports |
40% |
All Due by Friday November 28, 2003 |
Seminar Presentation |
10 % |
November 17 to 28 |
30% |
Monday December 8, 2003 at 09:00 |
Final grades will be assigned on the basis of accumulated numeric marks allocated throughout the term; letter grades are usually determined using the following groupings as guidelines: 90-100% = A+; 83-89 = A; 80-82 = A-; 75-79 = B+; 70-74 = B; 65-69 = C+; 55-64 = C; 50-54 = D; less than 50 = F. Note, the numeric boundaries separating letter grades may be adjusted at the demand of the Departmental Review Committee or the University Senate.
Alternate test dates will be considered in the most exceptional cases and for legitimate reasons only. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Instructor no later than 1 week prior to the scheduled test date. Only then will your request be considered. If you miss a test, you must contact the instructor in person (not by telephone and not by e-mail) immediately upon returning to the university. Documentation (i.e., evidence of illness or circumstances beyond your control) is required before alternate arrangements can be made. No exceptions will be made to these policies. You will not be asked to present your student identification card prior to writing the exam.
Monday, September 8 |
Lectures begin for the 2003 Fall Term. |
Monday, October 13 | Thanksgiving Day, University Closed. |
Friday, October 31 | Final date to withdraw without academic penalty |
Tuesday, November 11 | Remembrance Day, University Closed. |
Tuesday, December 2 |
Lectures end for the 2003 Fall Term. |
Please refer to the 2003-2004 General Calendar for additional dates and schedules.
Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the standards and regulations set out by the University of Winnipeg. The University Senate would like you to be particularly aware of the following academic regulations and policies published in the 2003-2004 General Calendar: APPEALS (Regulation VII-8, pp. 53 to 55); GRADING (Regulation VII-3, pp. 48), and; ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE (Regulation VII-7, pp. 51 to 53).
TEXTBOOK: Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3rd Ed.), Sam Boggs, Jr. (2001), Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0-13-099696-3)
The following table outlines the topics to be discussed during the lectures. The order of presentation is subject to change as circumstances dictate.
Week 1: September 9, 10 | - review of course outline; an introduction to sedimentary rocks; physical and chemical weathering |
Week 2: September 16, 17 | - transport and deposition of clastic sediment; sedimentary textures |
Week 3: September 23, 24 | - sedimentary structures; post depositional processes |
Week 4: September 30, October 1 | - composition, classification; origin and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks |
Week 5: October 7, 8 | - carbonate sedimentary rocks; stratigraphy and correlation; North American Stratigraphic code |
Week 6: October 14, 15 | - continental and marine sedimentary environments |
Week 7: October 21, 22 | - review and clarification of the course material covered to date; Test: Wednesday October 22 |
Week 8: October 28, 29 | - sedimentary environments continued |
Week 9: November 4, 5 | - basin analysis, tectonics and sedimentation |
Week 10: November 12 | - basin analysis, tectonics and sedimentation continued |
Week 11: November 18, 19 | - student seminars topics |
Week 12: November 25, 26 | - student seminars topics continued; review and clarification of the course material covered |
Delivery Date: Tuesday September 9, 2003