Introductory Atmospheric Science
2009 Winter Term
Section 003: MWF 0930-1020 (Krawetz)
Section 050: M 1730-2030 (Buhay)
COURSE: Bill Buhay: Office 5L08; Phone 786-9226;
Office Hours: Monday 13:30 to 14:30 PM; Tuesday 10:30 to 11:30 AM
LECTURES: Monday 17:30 - 20:30 PM, Room 4M31
LABS: You must be registered in one of five available Sections, Room 5L24.
TEXT: Canadian Geosystems (2nd edition) Christopherson and Byrne
LAB MANUAL: Introductory Atmospheric Science edited by Mark Krawetz Please obtain a copy before the 1st Lab.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an introduction to the atmospheric sciences of climatology and meteorology. The introduction to climatology examines how and why average atmospheric conditions (i.e., climates) vary spatially (i.e., from place to place) and over time (e.g., over months, years, centuries). The introduction to meteorology surveys the nature of the atmosphere and the causes and characteristics of short-term atmospheric changes (i.e., weather). Methods of collecting and analyzing climate and weather data are reviewed, as are ways in which atmospheric processes interact with other components of the ecosphere (i.e., the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, humans).
1. Introduction: pp. 1-29
2. The Atmosphere: pp. 63-75
3. Radiation & the Energy Balance: of the planet, of the atmosphere; of the earth’s surface pp. 91-117
4. Atmospheric Temperatures & Recent Climate Change (Greenhouse, Land-Use Change, and Physiological Effects): pp. 119-141
5. Atmospheric Moisture & Precipitation: pp.179-209; pp. 252-254
6. Winds & the General Circulation of the Atmosphere: pp. 143-169
7. Weather Systems: pp. 211-249.
8. Climate Classification: pp. 285-327.
* All topics may not be covered due to time limitations.
LABS: Labs are an integral part of the course. Information on the labs may be found in the preface of the Lab manual. Some Lab Exercises require graph paper, a ruler, a pencil, an eraser, and a scientific calculator.
GRADING: Mid-Term Exam 25%; Mid-Term Lab Exam 10%; Final Exam 45%; Final Lab Exam 20%
First Lecture |
Monday, January 12 |
First Labs |
Week of January 12 |
Mid-Term Course Exam |
Monday February 2 |
Mid-Term Lab Exam |
Monday, February 9 |
Mid-Term Reading Week – No Classes |
February 16-20 |
Louis Riel Day – University Closed |
February 16 |
Final date to withdraw without academic penalty |
Friday, March 6 |
Last Labs |
Week of March 23 |
Last Lecture |
Monday, April 6 |
Lab Final Exam |
Thursday, April 9, 09:00 AM |
Good Friday – University Closed |
Friday, April 10 |
Final Exam |
Monday April 13, 18:00 PM |
ATTENDANCE: While attendance at lectures and Labs is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged. At each Lecture and Lab, students may be asked to sign an attendance sheet.
SENATE REGULATIONS: Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the standards and regulations set out by the University of Winnipeg. The University Senate draws your particular attention to the following regulations published in the 2008-09 General Calendar: Grading (Regulation VII-3); Student Discipline (Regulations VII-7a Academic Misconduct & VII-7b Non- Academic Misconduct); Senate and Grade Appeals (Regulations VII-8 & VII-9).
SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students with documented disabilities who require academic accommodations for tests / exams (e.g., private space) or during lectures / labs (e.g., access to volunteer note-takers) are encouraged to contact the Coordinator of Disability Services (DS), at 786-9771 to discuss appropriate options. Specific information about DS is available on-line at All information about disabilities is confidential.
The labs in Introductory Atmospheric Science are considered integral parts of the course and will be presented as such. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to attend all scheduled labs and to complete the assignments as required. Information on laboratory procedures may be found on the dedicated WebCT site for the lab portion of this course. Students are responsible for all information posted on this site.
If you wish to change lab sections, you must contact your lab instructor during the first week of classes. The labs are taught and administered by Mark Krawetz (office: 5L09). Lab section changes will be considered only if space permits.
It is imperative that all students attend their scheduled lab sections regularly. Labs in this course begin the week of January 12. Labs are held in Room 5L24. Lab manuals will be available for purchase during the first week of lectures in the foyer on the 5th floor of Lockhart Hall and before the start of your first lab. Please purchase your lab manual prior to your first lab session.
10% |
DATE: Monday, February 9, 2009* |
20% |
DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 09:00 |
*The midterm lab test will be written in your scheduled lecture slot for this course.
If the date of the Final Lab Exam conflicts with the date of a final exam in another course, you may apply for the alternate date (Wednesday, April 8 at 08:30). You must contact your lab instructor in person no later than Wednesday, April 1 to take advantage of this alternate date; otherwise, you must write the Final Lab Exam as scheduled in the 2008-2009 Fall/Winter Timetable.
A valid U of W student card must be shown during both the Final Lab Exam.
No other form of identification will be accepted.