General Relativity Assignment #2
Deadline Date To Be Announced In Class
Part One
(1) Show that covariant differentiation commutes with contraction by checking that
(2) The line elements of 3-D manifold in Cartesian, cylindrical polar, and spherical polar coordinates are given respectively by
(a) ,
(b) ,
Find in each case.
(3) Find the geodesic equation for in cylindrical polars. [Hint: Use the results of the previous question to compute the metric connection components and then substitute these into the geodesic equation of motion.]
(4) Show that the Einstein tensor satisfies . [Note: Prove it both ways]
Part Two
(5) Show that the Weyl Tensor always satisfies . Show that this works for all pairs of indices.
(6) Establish the theorem that any 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold is conformally flat in the case of a metric of signature 0 (i.e. at any point the metric can be reduced to the diagonal form ).
Hint: Use null curves as coordinate curves. This means that you should change to new coordinates as follows. Let . Constrain these coordinates to satisfy the relations . Then show that the line element reduces to and, finally, to show conformal flatness, introduce new coordinates and .
Part Three
(7) Consider the 4-D spherically symmetric line element given by
where and are arbitrary functions t and r.
(i) Find .
(ii) Use the expressions in (i) to calculate . Remember that it is symmetric.
(iii) Calculate the Riemann curvature tensor . You can use the symmetry relation to simplify the calculation.
(iv) Calculate .
(v) Calculate .
NOTE: ALL logical steps should be justified to get full marks.