SPSS MANOVA Commands for Various ANOVA Designs

A, B, C = Variable Names and Number of Levels of Variable
Y = dependent variable with subscript for within-subject factors (e.g.,

Single Factor (A) Independent Groups Design
      each case has values for Y and level of between factor A (1 to A)
      MANOVA Y BY A(1 A)

Two-Factor (A, B) Independent Groups Design
      each case has values for Y and for levels of between factors A (1
            to A) and B (1 to B)
      MANOVA Y BY A(1 A) B(1 B)

Three-Factor (A, B, C) Independent Groups Design
      each case has values for Y and for levels of between factors A (1
            to A), B (1 to B), and C (1 to C)
      MANOVA Y BY A(1 A) B(1 B) C(1 C)

Single Factor (A) Randomized Blocks (Within-Subject) Design
      each case has values for Y at each level of the within factor A
            (Y1 to YA)
      MANOVA Y1 Y2 ... YA /WSF = A(A)

Two-Factor (A, B) Randomized Blocks Design
      each case has AxB values for Y at each combination of levels of
            the within-subject factors A and B (Y11 to YAB) - levels of A
            change more slowly than B
      MANOVA Y11 Y12 ... Y1B  ... YA1 YA2 ... YAB  /WSF = A(A) B(B)

Three-Factor (A, B, C) Randomized Blocks Design
      each case has AxBxC values for Y at each combination of levels
            of within-subject factors A, B, and C (Y111 to YABC) - levels
            of A change more slowly than levels of B, which change
            more slowly than C
      MANOVA Y111 Y112 ... Y11C ... Y1B1 Y1B2 ... Y1BC ... YAB1 YAB2 ... YABC
            /WSF = A(A) B(B) C(C)

Mixed Independent (B) and Randomized Blocks (A) Design
      each case has a values for Y at each level of the within-subject
            factor A (Y1 to YA) and a value for level of between factor B
            (1 to B)
      MANOVA Y1 Y2 ... YA  BY B(1 B) /WSF = A(A)

Mixed Independent (C, D) and Randomized Blocks (A, B) Design
      each case has values for between factors C (1 to C) and D (1 to
            D), and AxB values for Y at each combination of levels of
            within factors A and B (Y11 to YAB) - levels of A change
            more slowly than levels of B
      MANOVA Y11 Y12 ... Y1B  ... YA1 YA2 ... YAB  BY C(1 C) D(1 D) 
            /WSF = A(A) B(B)