Suggestions for Effective University Teaching

Send comments to Jim Clark, Department of Psychology

Table of Contents

Copyright - James M. Clark, 1995


In this document, I review some techniques that teachers might use to improve their classroom teaching. The techniques are drawn primarily from empirical research on university teaching and are organized around the clusters measured by UofW's Quality of University Instruction Questionnaire (UW-QUIQ). The UW-QUIQ is used to evaluate instruction in all regular classes and is presented in Appendix 1.

Although the techniques described apply to many types of university teaching, effective instruction cannot be defined in any absolute way. University teaching involves diverse modes of instruction, including: lectures, seminars, labs, and mentoring (e.g., thesis supervision). Disciplines, courses, and instructors also vary widely in their emphasis on such varied educational objectives as learning new knowledge, stimulating student interest, developing cognitive skills, and leading students to question established tenets. One important distinction in determining effective teaching may be the relative importance of cognitive and affective goals. That is, some qualities of teaching may be more strongly related to such cognitive objectives as developing knowledge and skills, whereas other qualities are more strongly related to such affective objectives as fostering student interest and curiosity.

Although these sources of variation preclude a single model for effective instruction, various teaching qualities nonetheless are associated with the achievement of different cognitive and affective goals and probably contribute to the quality of university teaching across a wide range of conditions. The qualities examined here have been identified by research using student evaluations, trained observers in classrooms, verbal reports by teachers and students, and the training of teachers in specific teaching skills. The qualities are also generally consistent with psychological theories about learning (e.g., the role of prior knowledge, importance of organization) and with common-sense intuitions about the qualities of effective university teachers.

The qualities of effective teaching revealed by research have been incorporated into course evaluation instruments used in North American universities. Numerous such evaluations and hundreds of items were examined by faculty members at UofW to develop our own course evaluation questionnaire, the UW-QUIQ. The resulting questionnaire samples a range of teaching activities associated with effective instruction and the achievement of cognitive and affective objectives.

A taxonomy of the clusters of items on the UW-QUIQ is presented in Box 1. The classification is rough in that some of the clusters are not very homogeneous (i.e., they include diverse teaching behaviors), some categories overlap (i.e., teaching behaviors are related to multiple objectives), and the taxonomy may not be exhaustive (i.e., certain aspects of teaching may be inadequately represented). The scheme nonetheless provides a useful, if tentative, taxonomy for thinking about the quality of university teaching. The qualities measured by the UW-QUIQ have been divided into aspects of teaching related to cognitive or affective aspects of instruction.

These qualities are described here in some detail, along with suggestions that faculty might use to strengthen their teaching performance in areas that they deem important. The suggestions are offered for consideration by faculty, recognizing that few of us can exemplify all of these attributes and that skilled teachers adapt their teaching to student interests, the subject matter, the level of course, class size, and other contextual factors that influence the effectiveness of different teaching methods or styles. The clusters and ideas are not meant to be exhaustive and should not prevent alternative methods being used by effective instructors. For example, university teachers may deliberately expose students to apparent disorganization so that students are compelled to discover their own organizational scheme and thereby strengthen higher-level cognitive skills.


Any list of the major goals of university teaching would include such objectives as changing students' factual knowledge and competence in the course material, strengthening various cognitive capacities (e.g., study skills, reasoning, writing and speaking skills), and fostering intellectual appreciation of the subject matter. Imparting knowledge and skills to students is the major objective of university instruction for many faculty.

Box 2 shows the UW-QUIQ items related to knowledge and appreciation aspects of teaching. These items primarily ask for student perceptions of the success with which the instructor has achieved various cognitive objectives.

Box 3 identifies some ways that teachers can promote knowledge and appreciation of the subject matter. More than other qualities of instruction, promoting these objectives requires teachers who can communicate their own knowledge and appreciation of the subject matter to students. In essence, students should feel that they have learned something valuable, and that the course has contributed to their knowledge, awareness, and intellectual curiosity. Students should also be intellectually challenged and stimulated to think for themselves, and have opportunities to develop competencies characteristic of the discipline. The higher-level objectives of developing knowledge and appreciation are also related to numerous teaching behaviors in other clusters.


The organization cluster reflects the extent to which individual lectures and discussions are carefully planned and organized in a coherent manner. Well-organized instructors also demonstrate how ideas in specific lessons fit into the course as a whole and relate class material to other parts of the course (e.g., text, readings, labs).

Box 4 shows the UW-QUIQ items related to lesson organization. Two items ask for summary evaluations of student perceptions of the extent to which individual lessons and the overall course are well organized. A third item asks about representative techniques that instructors can use to convey the organization of lessons. Effective organization can help students to learn the material, to take effective notes, to understand their weaknesses, and to apprehend the structure of the subject. Teacher organizational schemes also provide students with models of expertise and of effective learning strategies.

Effective lesson organization depends on considerable planning in advance of the class, as well as the use of organization-related techniques during class. Box 5 shows some tips for planning organized lessons. Perhaps the most important condition for well-organized lessons is a clear and well-articulated understanding of the subject matter at a level appropriate to the students. Such understanding can take years of teaching experience to develop, especially in subjects where much of the knowledge is tacit or implicit (e.g., problem-solving).

One way to develop a lesson organization is to start with a blank page and create a semantic network for the lesson. Begin by placing the over-arching theme for that class as the central concept in the network. Lines can be used to connect the theme to sub-topics, which are in turn connected to more specific ideas (e.g., examples of general concepts). Box 6 shows an example of a partial network for the present material on effective university teaching. Ideas can be added, embellished, and re-arranged until a satisfactory structure emerges. Studies have shown that students who do well in courses have semantic networks or structures similar to those of the instructor. Some instructors also find that these organizational structures can be used to provide the class with an effective overview of the material to be covered in a lesson.

Those who find the network approach too "messy" may prefer the use of headings and sub-headings. Box 7 shows the outline of Box 6 cast in this alternative format. Wordprocessing programs (e.g., Wordperfect, Word) often have an outline feature that allows ideas to be added or moved around, even to different levels. Even if the network approach is used in planning the lesson, the heading format may be used with the class, unless you want to model for students the kinds of cognitive activities involved in organizing knowledge in your discipline.

Planning is one important step in effective organization. It is also important to communicate the organization during the lesson. Box 8 shows some techniques that can be used during lessons to communicate organization and structure to students. A lesson can be divided into three units: a beginning, a middle, and an end. The bulk of the classtime is generally spent in the middle, but the beginning and end can be very important for communicating the organization of the lesson. Beginning and ending well may be particularly important when, as is often the case in university teaching, the material will be covered over several sessions.

Faculty will need to decide how appropriate the ideas presented here are for their subject matter and for their teaching objectives. In particular, some balance may need to be struck between providing organizational details for students and giving students opportunities to discover and develop for themselves the relations among concepts. Even when independent organization is the ultimate goal, however, students who have particular difficulty grasping the organization of the material may need some initial models of the cognitive structures that underlie the course material, as well as some demonstration by the teacher of how such structures can be discovered or developed.


The next quality related to cognitive aspects of effective teaching involves techniques that are used to explain concepts and principles clearly, so that students understand the individual thoughts and ideas being presented. Box 9 shows the UW-QUIQ items related to clarity of explanations. Clear explanations are important for university teaching to help students connect difficult material to concepts, examples, and language that they already understand, and to provide concrete foundations for abstract ideas.

Box 10 lists some techniques that instructors can use to communicate the meaning of difficult concepts. Anticipating what material students will have difficulty with and developing appropriate explanations generally requires firsthand teaching experience; it is often surprising how teaching a subject reveals gaps in our own understanding of the material. Experienced teachers gradually develop a repertoire of paraphrases, metaphors, and other techniques that promote the learning of difficult concepts. As with organization, the skill of giving clear explanations requires considerable effort on the part of teachers. There is often a large gap between our own sophisticated knowledge about our subjects and the less rich knowledge that students bring to the classroom. Such techniques as those described above can help to bridge the gulf between expert faculty and novice students.


A final factor that contributes substantially to the achievement of cognitive learning concerns voice and other characteristics associated with the quality of presentation by a teacher. Box 11 shows the UW-QUIQ items related to effective presentations. Quality of presentation furthers university teaching because being articulate is required for communication, attention is essential for learning, and teacher enthusiasm promotes student interest and effort.

Box 12 lists some aspects of speaking clearly. Some of the ideas here and in Box 13 may suggest (wrongly) that teaching is just "acting," which is not the case. Effective speaking is important because content will not be understood unless students attend to and perceive correctly what the teacher is saying.

Instructors with effective presentation styles also communicate well nonverbally. Box 13 lists some nonverbal techniques that instructors might use to strengthen their presentations. Again, experience and familiarity with teaching will help the achievement of an appropriate teaching "style" and the identification of those methods that work for you.

Although the quality of effective presentations has been categorized in the cognitive group because of its importance for comprehension and attention, the effective use of verbal and nonverbal techniques also stimulates student interest in and excitement about the subject, decidedly affective goals to which we now turn.


The first of the affective goals of university teaching is to stimulate student interest. Box 14 shows the two UW-QUIQ items related to stimulation of interest. The items ask for student perceptions of the extent to which the teacher is interested in the subject matter and the degree of student interest stimulated. Stimulation of interest is important for university teaching because it increases student attention to lectures and class discussions, little learning occurs without such attention, and interest motivates students to think about the course material and to work harder.

Box 15 lists some ways that instructors can generate student interest and maintain attention during classes. Student attention and motivation are promoted by instructor enthusiasm and interest, as well as by capitalizing on interesting aspects of the subject matter. Some of the suggestions in Box 15 occur in other clusters. As noted previously, quality of presentation also contributes to student attention and interest (e.g., energetic and dynamic class presentations, some spontaneity in lecturing, use of humour).


Many effective teachers try to foster active involvement, participation, and interaction of students in classes, and to communicate their openness to and respect for alternative and challenging points of view. Box 16 shows the UofW QUIQ items related to this cluster. Student participation is desirable because it actively involves students in their learning, provides instructors with feedback about the progress and difficulties of students, and provides opportunities for instructors to model for students problem-solving behaviours and applications of course material to novel examples. Openness to ideas is desirable because students should be encouraged to think for themselves in a flexible and creative manner, and because commitment to one view should generally follow critical evaluation of alternative perspectives.

Box 17 lists some ways that instructors can take the initiative in promoting student participation. The most important methods probably center around classroom questioning of individual students and of the class as a whole. How you respond to student questions will also affect the frequency with which such questions are asked in the future. You can increase the frequency of question-asking by providing useful responses and by showing approval, either implicitly by incorporating student ideas into the lesson or explicitly by verbal and other forms of praise.

Closely related to student participation is how open and receptive the instructor is to other points of view, including those offered by students. Some ways to show openness to alternative ideas are listed in Box 18.

Student participation and the expression of different points of view in a classroom seldom emerge spontaneously. Early in the term, instructors want to plan ideas and activities that will promote these important objectives.


Many effective instructors behave in ways that promote agreeable and friendly interpersonal relations between themselves and students, and that convey concern and respect for individual students. Box 19 shows the UW-QUIQ items for the rapport and concern cluster. The purpose of good rapport is to create a sufficiently congenial and non-hostile atmosphere in which students having difficulty will seek help from the instructor and in which students feel welcome to offer alternative explanations in class and to get feedback on their ideas. Unless students feel reasonably non-threatened, they are unlikely to come forward with concerns, questions, or even constructive comments.

Box 20 lists some ways to foster positive relationships with students. As with participation, the trick is to both arrange occasions when informal interactions can occur and to respond during such interactions in a manner that will encourage such behavior in the future. The objective here is not to become "friends" with students, although that might naturally occur. The real objective is to learn how students are doing and who needs help as quickly as possible.


The final cluster of qualities associated with effective university teaching concerns disclosure of pertinent information about the course (i.e., communication), especially with respect to student evaluation. Box 21 shows the UW-QUIQ items related to disclosure and fairness. Open and effective communication about evaluations and other aspects of the course contribute to student learning and performance by avoiding unnecessary or undesirable uncertainty associated with overly vague assignments, by permitting students to identify relevant activities and skills, and by providing students with constructive feedback about their performance in the course so that they can learn from their mistakes.

Box 22 shows some ways that instructors can communicate effectively with students and obtain appropriate evaluation of student performance. As with other aspects of instruction, there may be occasions when these suggestions should be ignored. To develop higher-order planning skills, for example, the instructor may give students a task that is deliberately ambiguous or poorly defined. Even in such situations, however, the instructor might be explicit about the objectives of the assignment (e.g., develop problem-solving or critical-thinking skills) and the nature of the evaluation.


There is no formula or cookbook for effective university teaching. We can all probably remember quite distinct teachers who have influenced us in positive ways: the dynamic and inspiring teacher who taught about stimulating topics (albeit perhaps topics of minor importance to the current discipline or examined by the teacher in outmoded ways), and the rather dull and plodding teacher who nonetheless taught about exciting contemporary ideas and modern methods of scholarship. Many of our former university teachers and many of us are probably some combination of these two extremes, striving to explain contemporary subject matter in a clear and organized manner while stimulating student interest and curiosity. Although the ideas presented here might help you to better achieve the diverse and sometimes conflicting goals of effective university teaching, ultimately the quality of your future instruction will depend on your ability to benefit from experiences in the classroom, discussions with colleagues, and reading about teaching. Some books and journals related to teaching are listed in the Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 if you want to undertake further reading.

Box 1 - Qualities of University Instruction

Box 2 - UW QUIQ Knowledge and Appreciation Items

Encourages students to think for themselves and promotes
     intellectual curiosity.
Expands students' knowledge and appreciation of the subject.
Helps students develop skills related to the course (e.g.,
     critical thinking, writing, ...).

Box 3 - Ways to Strengthen Knowledge and Appreciation

Keep up-to-date (e.g., read journals, attend conferences, do
Talk about current developments.
Present origin and background of material.
Relate the subject to current events and other fields.
Present thought-provoking ideas (e.g., paradoxes, inconsistencies
     between expert and lay beliefs).
Provide insights or knowledge beyond that in the text.
Present challenging questions and issues.
Illustrate unresolved questions and issues.
Model cognitive processes of experts (e.g., think out loud).

Box 4 - UW QUIQ Organization Items

Offers well-prepared and organized classes.
Gives useful indicators for following lessons (e.g., outlines,
     states objectives, reviews main points, ...).
Course elements (e.g., lectures, texts, readings, labs, ...) are
     integrated to help students appreciate and learn the course

Box 5 - Planning Organized Lessons

Identify a theme and objectives.
Develop a plan for lesson (e.g., time, cause-effect, hierarchy,
Organize lesson as a list of points or series of questions.
Outline the structure in point-form.
Include outlines, headings, and other techniques to communicate

Box 6 -

         outline -----
                      |            ------ Motivation
     transitions --- Organization |
                      |       |   |   ------- Participation
    review -----------        |   |  |
                                | |    |
                                | |     ----- Communication
              Knowledge---------  |
                   Presentation --

Box 7 - (Partial) Outline Organizer

                       Effective Teaching
1. Cognitive
     1.1 Knowledge
     1.2 Organization
          a. Outline
          b. Transition
          c. Review
     1.3 Explanations
     1.4 Presentation
2. Affective
     2.1 Motivation
     2.2 Participation
     2.3 Rapport
     2.4 Evaluation

Box 8 - Tips for Organized Lessons

                      BEGINNING THE LESSON
Review topics covered in previous lectures.
State major objectives.
Give preliminary overview at start of class.
                        DURING THE LESSON
Outline lecture on blackboard or overhead.
Distinguish topics and signal transitions.
Indicate end of sections and start of new topics, perhaps in
     concert with outline.
Use explaining links (because, since, therefore) and other
     organizational cues.
Avoid excessive digressions from major topics, unless educational
     value warrants.
Emphasize major points in plan (e.g., pause, raise your voice,
     repeat, speak slowly).
Periodically summarize previous points.
                        ENDING THE LESSON
Plan to close lecture effectively.
Review main topics.
Preview topics to be covered in future classes.

Box 9 - UW QUIQ Items on Clear Explanations

Provides clear explanations for concepts and principles, with
     concrete examples where appropriate.
Emphasizes major or difficult points (e.g., asks if students
     understand, repeats complex ideas, pauses, ...).

Box 10 - Giving Clear Explanations

Use concrete, real-life, and relevant examples.
Present practical applications and experiences.
Use illustrations, graphs, and diagrams where appropriate.
Use relevant audiovisual aids (films, tapes, maps, slides, etc.).
Develop effective metaphors or analogies for difficult concepts.
Suggest mnemonic aids for memorizing complicated ideas.
Paraphrase technical explanations in understandable language.
Define unfamiliar terms.
Write key terms on the blackboard or overhead.
Repeat difficult ideas in diverse ways.
Speak more slowly for difficult or particularly important ideas.
Ask if students understand before proceeding.

Box 11 - UW QUIQ Items on Clear Presentation

Speaks in a clear, well-paced, and expressive manner.
Uses appropriate teaching aids effectively (e.g., blackboard,
     overhead projector, handouts, ...).

Box 12 - Effective Speaking

Speak at suitable rate, not too fast for understanding and note-
Speak loudly enough for the room.
Pronounce words distinctly.
Modulate voice; speak expressively rather than in a monotone.
Speak fluently, without excessive pauses or "ums" and "ahs."
Speak naturally without over reliance on verbatim reading
     (outlines can help).

Box 13 - Effective Nonverbal Presentations

Use facial expressions (e.g., smiling, laughter), bodily
     gestures, and movement.
Avoid distracting mannerisms (e.g., playing with chalk, rocking).
Make eye contact with students.
Move about the classroom, do not fix on a desk or lectern.
Display a relaxed manner.
Include humour.
Use blackboards, other audiovisual aids, and a variety of
Be enthusiastic and dynamic.

Box 14 - UW QUIQ Items on Stimulating Interest

Shows enthusiasm and interest in the course.
Stimulates and maintains student interest.

Box 15 - Promoting Student Interest

Describe relevant personal experiences.
State your point of view on issues.
Demonstrate interest in the subject matter and in teaching.
Present challenging and thought-provoking ideas.
Examine controversial issues.
Introduce topics in novel and interesting ways (e.g., a mystery
     or paradox).
Point out practical applications and interesting examples.
Relate subject matter to current events and student interests or
Encourage new ideas from students.
Use varied activities, media, and formats (e.g., guest lecture,
     panel discussions).

Box 16 - UW QUIQ Items on Participation and Openness to New Ideas

Encourages student participation (e.g., asks questions, responds
     well to student questions or comments, ...).
Respects alternative and challenging viewpoints.

Box 17 - Encouraging Participation

Provide opportunities for and solicit student comments and
Ask if students understand before proceeding.
Encourage quiet students (e.g., direct questions, pre-arrange
Offer challenging and thought-provoking ideas.
Plan interactive activities (e.g., small-group discussions,
     student presentations, solving problems in groups).
Expect students to answer questions (e.g., wait for answer,
     rephrase question, provide hints).
Show approval for student ideas (e.g., positive comments).
Answer questions in a meaningful way.
Incorporate student ideas into lessons.
Do not criticize student ideas unreasonably.

Box 18 - Demonstrating Openness to Ideas

Be open to different opinions and points of view.
Let students feel free to question you, to think independently,
     and to express dissenting views.
Present and explore points of view other than your own.
Be flexible in your thinking.
Contrast the implications of different theories.
Let students be creative (e.g., generate alternative
Demonstrate and encourage original and independent thought.

Box 19 - UW QUIQ Items on Rapport and Concern

Treats students with respect in and out of class.
Is available for consultation outside of class time.
Is sensitive to whether students understand course material.

Box 20 - Promoting Rapport

Be reasonably available for consultation.
Talk with students before, after, and outside class.
Learn students's names (e.g., use class cards).
Show interest in how students are doing.
Show interest in students and their ideas.
Be sensitive to student progress and motivation (e.g., know when
     students are having difficulty or are bored).
Show concern that students understand and learn the subject
Take action when students lose interest or have excessive
     difficulty (e.g., use more examples, modify requirements?).
Make students feel welcome (e.g., announce availability for help,
     be approachable).
When students seek help, be understanding, patient, helpful, and
     not overly critical.
Be tolerant of other points of view.
Provide opportunities in class for questions.
Engage in give and take with students.
Show approval for student ideas (e.g., positive comments, praise,
     smile, nod head).
Respect thoughts, opinions, and rights of students and others.

Box 21 - UW QUIQ Items on Communication and Fairness

Provides helpful feedback (e.g., useful comments on student work,
     takes up tests in class, ...).
Evaluates students fairly (e.g., tests important material; gives
     reasonable work load; assigns appropriate percentages for
     termwork, tests, and exams; ...).
Marks and returns work in a reasonable time.
Course objectives, assignments, and grading criteria are clear.

Box 22 - Effective Communication

Prepare clear objectives for the course.
Communicate objectives, course requirements, and grading
Reduce barriers incidental to student learning (e.g., undesired
Give students sufficient information to prepare for evaluations.
Provide detailed instructions and sample questions for
     evaluations where appropriate or necessary.
Perhaps remind students of dates and identify important topics
     for evaluations.
Use clear and reasonable evaluations. (e.g., tests that reflect
     course materials).
Grade assignments fairly and consistently across students.
Considering class size, grade work promptly and provide helpful
Provide answers as feedback for objective assignments.
Use enough evaluations for adequate feedback and a fair measure
     of student learning.

Appendix 1: UofW - Qualities of University Instruction Questionnaire

Knowledge and Appreciation of Subject Items

Lesson Organization Items

Items on Clear Explanations

Items on Clear Presentation

Items on Stimulating Interest

Items on Participation and Openness to New Ideas

Items on Rapport and Concern

Items on Communication and Fairness

Appendix 2 - Some Books on University Teaching

Brown, G., & Atkins, M. (1988). Effective teaching in higher
     education. London: Methuen.
Brown, J. W., & Thornton, J. W. Jr. (1971). College Teaching: A
     Systematic Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. \uwLB1778.B68 
Clark, G. K., & Clark, E. B. (1970) The art of lecturing: Some
     practical suggestions. Cambridge, England: W. Heffer and
Donald, J. G., & Sullivan, A. M. (Eds.) (1985). Using research to
     improve teaching. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
Dressel, P. L., & Marcus, D. (1982). On Teaching and Learning in
     College San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. \uwLB2331.D73 
Eble, K. E. (1988). The Craft of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-
     Bass. \uwLB2331.E328 
Gillette, M. (Ed.) (1982). The Art and Craft of Teaching.
     Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. \uwLB2331.A646 
Kerry, T. (1982). Effective questioning. London: Macmillan.
Lowman, J. (1984). Mastering the techniques of teaching. San
     Francisco: Jossey-Bass. \uwLB2331.L68
McKeachie, W. J. (1980). Learning cognition and college teaching.
     San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. \uwLB2331.L37
McKeachie, W. J. (1986). Teaching tips: A guidebook for the
     beginning college teacher (8th ed.). Lexington, MA: Heath.
Sheffield, E. F. (Ed.) (1974). Teaching in the universities: No
     one way. Montreal: Queen's University Press. \uwLB2331.T4
Trillian, A. S. (1980). Teaching basic skills in college. San
     Francisco: Jossey-Bass. \uwLB1035.6T4
Weimer, M. G. (1987). Teaching large classes well. San Francisco:
     Jossey-Bass. \uwLB1738.T42

Note: \uw indicates library catalogue number.

Appendix 3 - UofW Journal Holdings

Higher Education - General

Arts and Humanities
          RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (HLDS:1906-07 1914-15 1919-27
               1931-33 1936 1938-49 1954-56 1958-)
               1981-1982. 1984-1985. 1988-)

Interdisciplinary and Education

Natural Sciences
     JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION (HLDS:1928.1930-1931.1939-)

Social Sciences

Note: does not include general education journals.