This collection of links covers various aspects of educational
technology and distance education. If you find
errors or have suggestions, please e-mail Jim Clark.
- The World Lecture Hall
- TeleLearning '97 Conference
- TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence
- Virtual university education in cyberspace
- Bridging the barriers of distance
- On the Horizon
- ILTweb: Content Projects: Index
- ILTweb v.7B.0.0
- Humanist Discussion Group
- California Virtual University - Take a Tour of Distance Education
- Cross-College E-Mail Discussion List Meeting Site
- Computers in Teaching
- Instructional Uses of the Web
- Teaching and Publishing in the World Wide Web
- Hypermedia, Metamedia and Education: A Manifesto for a Distributed
- Computers in Teaching Circle
- Biblio on Information Technology in Education
- The WWW VL: Educational Technology - Education page
- The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology
- Information Technology Research Centre
- The National Distance Learning Center
- AACE--Assn. for the Advancement. of Computing in Education
- Multimedia
- Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides
- Subject Guides to the Internet
- Dr. E's Eclectic Compendium of Electronic Resources for
- Internet Resources by Subject (via Rice)
- The World Lecture Hall
- The Commonwealth of Learning
- CMC Information Sources
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- Center for Advanced Instructional Media
- The Commonwealth of Learning - Home Page
- IAT: Homepage
- Technology Based Learning Network Canada (TBL.CA) HOME Page
- The Switched-On Classroom Home Page
- The University of Winnipeg Centre for Learning Technologies
- Computers in Teaching
- Instructional Uses of the Web
- Teaching and Publishing in the World Wide Web
- Hypermedia, Metamedia and Education: A Manifesto for a Distributed
- Computers in Teaching Circle
- Biblio on Information Technology in Education
- The WWW VL: Educational Technology - Education page
- The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology
- Information Technology Research Centre
- The National Distance Learning Center
- AACE--Assn. for the Advancement. of Computing in Education
- IBM Higher Education
- The World Lecture Hall
- Distance Education
- WebCT - World Wide Web Course Tools
- Computers as Tutors: Solving the Crisis in Education
- AMTEC Homepage
- Canadian Association for Distance Education
- The Commonwealth of Learning - Home Page
- Office of Learning Technologies - Main
- Council on Learning Technologies
- Instructional Development and Technology Sites Worldwide
- TeleLearning '97 Conference
- story 5: Distance Education
- LSA News
- Virtual Center for Educational Technology
- Teaching/UWired
- Learning Technology Center
- Instructional Technology Connections
- Manitoba Education & Learning Information Networks (MERLIN)
- Untitled Document
- Canadian Electronic Scholarly Network Homepage
- - Home
- Serials in Cyberspace
- Electronic Journals
- COW, Conferencing On the Web
- EDUCAUSE Home Page
- About TEC
- The Education Coalition
- Facilitating Instructor-Student Collaboration on the Internet
- Psychology computers
- TLC Systems Corp.
- UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology
- The emerging contribution of online resources and tools to classroom learning and teaching
- The SchoolNet National Advisory Board (SNAB)
- Canada's SchoolNet
- Wisdom & Wizardry - Dr. Linda Harasim
- Information and Communication Technologies in University Teaching and in Teacher Education
- The Professional Practices of Faculty and the Diffusion of Computer Technologies in University Teaching