This collection of links covers various aspects of educational technology and distance education. If you find errors or have suggestions, please e-mail Jim Clark.

  1. The World Lecture Hall
  2. TeleLearning '97 Conference
  3. TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence
  4. Virtual university education in cyberspace
  5. Bridging the barriers of distance
  6. On the Horizon
  7. ILTweb: Content Projects: Index
  8. ILTweb v.7B.0.0
  9. Humanist Discussion Group
  10. California Virtual University - Take a Tour of Distance Education
  11. Cross-College E-Mail Discussion List Meeting Site
  13. Computers in Teaching
  14. Instructional Uses of the Web
  15. Teaching and Publishing in the World Wide Web
  16. Hypermedia, Metamedia and Education: A Manifesto for a Distributed
  17. Computers in Teaching Circle
  18. Biblio on Information Technology in Education
  19. The WWW VL: Educational Technology - Education page
  20. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology
  21. Information Technology Research Centre
  22. The National Distance Learning Center
  23. AACE--Assn. for the Advancement. of Computing in Education
  24. Multimedia
  25. Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides
  26. Subject Guides to the Internet
  27. Dr. E's Eclectic Compendium of Electronic Resources for
  28. Internet Resources by Subject (via Rice)
  29. The World Lecture Hall
  30. The Commonwealth of Learning
  31. CMC Information Sources
  32. Journal of Computing in Higher Education
  33. Center for Advanced Instructional Media
  34. The Commonwealth of Learning - Home Page
  35. IAT: Homepage
  36. Technology Based Learning Network Canada (TBL.CA) HOME Page
  37. The Switched-On Classroom Home Page
  39. The University of Winnipeg Centre for Learning Technologies
  40. Computers in Teaching
  41. Instructional Uses of the Web
  42. Teaching and Publishing in the World Wide Web
  43. Hypermedia, Metamedia and Education: A Manifesto for a Distributed
  44. Computers in Teaching Circle
  45. Biblio on Information Technology in Education
  46. The WWW VL: Educational Technology - Education page
  47. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Educational Technology
  48. Information Technology Research Centre
  49. The National Distance Learning Center
  50. AACE--Assn. for the Advancement. of Computing in Education
  51. IBM Higher Education
  52. The World Lecture Hall
  53. Distance Education
  55. WebCT - World Wide Web Course Tools
  56. Computers as Tutors: Solving the Crisis in Education
  57. AMTEC Homepage
  58. ICDL
  59. Canadian Association for Distance Education
  60. The Commonwealth of Learning - Home Page
  61. Office of Learning Technologies - Main
  62. Council on Learning Technologies
  63. Instructional Development and Technology Sites Worldwide
  64. TeleLearning '97 Conference
  65. story 5: Distance Education
  66. LSA News
  67. Virtual Center for Educational Technology
  68. Teaching/UWired
  69. Learning Technology Center
  70. Instructional Technology Connections
  71. Manitoba Education & Learning Information Networks (MERLIN)
  72. Untitled Document
  73. Canadian Electronic Scholarly Network Homepage
  74. - Home
  75. Serials in Cyberspace
  76. Electronic Journals
  77. COW, Conferencing On the Web
  78. EDUCAUSE Home Page
  79. About TEC
  80. The Education Coalition
  81. Facilitating Instructor-Student Collaboration on the Internet
  82. Psychology computers
  83. TLC Systems Corp.
  84. UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology
  85. The emerging contribution of online resources and tools to classroom learning and teaching
  86. The SchoolNet National Advisory Board (SNAB)
  87. Canada's SchoolNet
  88. Wisdom & Wizardry - Dr. Linda Harasim
  89. Information and Communication Technologies in University Teaching and in Teacher Education
  90. The Professional Practices of Faculty and the Diffusion of Computer Technologies in University Teaching