Course Information

Lectures at MWF 10:30-11:20 on zoom

Dr. Andrew Frey
a dot frey at uwinnipeg dot ca
Marker: TBA
For questions about marking only
Office Hours by appointment

Course Outline

This is the course homepage for PHYS-3202, Intermediate Mechanics.

I welcome feedback and comments on the course. If you're more comfortable commenting anonymously, upload a text file marked as comments to the homework upload link below.


In addition, some extra reading (from other texts, journal articles, etc) may be assigned.

Important Dates

Reading Schedule

Reading assignments will be posted on the course web page. You are responsible for keeping up with the reading; material covered in the reading will not necessarily be discussed in the class lectures but may be relevant to assignments. If you click the topic title, you'll get a scanned copy of my lecture notes.

Books are identified by the authors' last initial. Italicized reading is optional.

Dates Topic Reading
11-14 SeptNewton's Laws Review I§1.1-2,2.1; C§1.1-4,2.2
14-23 SeptLinear Motion I§2.2-5;3.1-2;4.4-7;C§3.5-6
25 Sept - 2 Oct3D Motion: Vector Calculus ReviewC§B.1-4;C.1-2;G.1-3;H.1-3
2-9 Oct3D Motion: General ConsiderationsI§3.3-4;5.1-3;6.1; C§2.9.2;2.12.4-5;3.4.1
19 OctReview Session
21 OctTerm Test TAKE-HOME TEST, In-Class Cover Sheet
23-30 Oct3D Motion: Inverse Square LawI6.3-4; C11.8 through 11.8.3 (check notation)
2-6 Nov3D Motion: Scattering & Cross SectionsC§11.12
6-16 NovNon-Inertial Frames: Fictitious ForcesI§7.2; C§12.1-5,8
16-23 NovNon-Inertial Frames: Effects on EarthC§12.10,11,13
23-25 NovRigid Body Rotation: Matrices & TensorsC§A.1,2,4
25 Nov - 2 DecRigid Body Rotation: Moments of InertiaI§4.1,5.4,7.3.1;C§13.3-12
2-8 DecRigid Body Rotation: Cases of Rotational MotionI§5.8-9,7.3.2;C§13.17,13.20.1, 13.22,§13.18 example 8 only
10-11 DecFinal Exam TAKE-HOME EXAM



Please see the course outline for the official statement of homework policies. The following are guidelines:

Homework Sets

Solutions removed for security reasons.

Course Project

Instructions, including the detailed marking scheme and all deadlines are given here: Project Instructions. In short, you must write a 5-page paper including results of analytical and numerical calculations analyzing a scene in popular culture that depicts some aspect of classical mechanics that we are studying. You may and are encouraged to work in groups.

Last updated: 9:53 on 2 Sept 2021