Course Information

Lectures at TTh 2:30-3:45PM in 3M58

Dr. Andrew Frey
a dot frey at uwinnipeg dot ca
Marker: TBA
For questions about marking only
Office Hours M 11:30AM-12:30PM, T 1-2PM, or by appointment

Final Exam

Course Outline
Course Survey/Comment Form

This is the course homepage for PHYS-4602, Advanced Quantum Mechanics.

I welcome feedback and comments on the course. If you're more comfortable commenting anonymously, leave me a note in my mailbox in the department office (3L00A) or the homework box outside 2L26. Please fill out the above survey for early Feb.


In addition, some extra reading (from other texts, journal articles, etc) may be assigned.

Important Dates

Reading Schedule

Reading assignments will be posted on the course web page. You are responsible for keeping up with the reading; material covered in the reading will not necessarily be discussed in the class lectures but may be included in tests. If you click the topic title, you'll get a scanned copy of my lecture notes.

NOTE: Unless noted, sections from Griffiths refer to the 3rd ed edition of the required textbook. If you are using the 2nd edition, please check with me about the reading assignment if the topic does not match the lecture. I will attepmt to mark readings that differ with *.

Dates Topic Reading
7-14 JanFoundations of QM: States & Information Review GS chaps. 3&A, read §12.3*
16-23 JanFoundations of QM: Measurement & Probatilitycontinue review, read §12.1,2
23-28 JanFoundations of QM: Time Dependence review GS §2.1; suggested: Shankar §4.3
30 Jan - 4 FebFoundations of QM: Quantum Computing Blümel §7.2-7 (course reserves) OR Wilde §3.2,3,5 (here); suggested §12.4*
4-11 FebFoundations of QM: Dirac NotationReview GS chapter 2
11-13 FebReview & In-Class Test Cover Sheet
25 Feb - 3 MarPerturbation Theory: Time-IndependentGS §7.1-5*
3-10 MarPerturbation Theory: Time-DependentGS §11.1-3*; suggested: Shankar §18.1-2
10 MarVariational Principle GS §8.1-2* (2ed §7.1-2)
12-26 MarSemiclassical or WKB ApproximationGS §9.1-3* (2ed §8.1-3); suggested: Merzbacher §7.1-4
26 Mar - 2 AprScattering in 3DGS §10.1,4* (2ed §11.1,4)
15-18 AprTake-Home Final Exam

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Please see the course outline for the official statement of homework policies. The following are guidelines:

Student Homework Presentations

When homeworks are assigned on Thursday, a student will be assigned to present each problem for a few minutes the following Tuesday. The presentation does not need to be a complete solution, merely some thoughts about the problem and an indication of how to proceed. A demonstration of effort will earn full participation credit (see the course outline). If you are presenting on Tuesday and need advice, please come by office hours on Monday or otherwise contact me.

Homework Sets

Solutions removed for security reasons.

Course Project

Please see the project instructions.

Project deadlines:

Last updated: 11:50 on 27 April 2020