Midterm Grades

Course Information

Lectures at MWF 10:30-11:20AM in 3M71

Fall SemesterWinter Semester
Dr. Andrew Frey
a dot frey at uwinnipeg dot ca
Dr. Melanie Martin
m dot martin at uwinnipeg dot ca
Office Hours (or by appointment)

Course Outline

This is the course homepage for the fall semester only of PHYS-3301, Quantum Mechanics I.

I welcome feedback and comments on the course. If you're more comfortable commenting anonymously, leave me a note in my mailbox in the department office (3L00A).


In addition, some extra reading (from other texts, journal articles, etc) may be assigned.

Important Dates for Fall Term

Reading Schedule

The reading will be very important for your general education, so please keep up! Please note that this is a rough schedule, subject to change depending on how quickly we move in class, so watch for updates. If you click on the topics, you will find scanned copies of my lecture notes.

Dates Topic Reading
4-13 SeptGalilean Relativity Barton §2.1-4
13-20 SeptEinsteinian Relativity Barton §3.1-3; suggested: §3.4, Hogg §1.2-3, §2.1-2, § 2.5
20-27 SeptLorentz Transformations and Spacetime (Part I) Barton Chapter 4 except §4.2.4,5; suggested: Hogg §4.1-3, chapter 2, §3.3,4
30 Sept-4 OctLorentz Transformations and Spacetime (Part II)Barton Chapter 5; suggested: Hogg §3.1, §4.1, §5.2,3
4-11 OctVelocities & 4-Vectors: Particle Velocities Barton §4.2.4, 6.2; suggested: Hogg §4.4
11-25 OctVelocities & 4-Vectors: 4-Vectors & 4-Velocities Fayngold §4.7; Hartle §4.6; 5.1-3 (ereserve); Barton §7.1,2,4; appendix B
28 Oct - 1 NovRelativistic Dynamics: 4-MomentumBarton §9.1-3
1-8 NovRelativistic Dynamics: Collisions & DecaysBarton §11.1-4
8 NovNatural UnitsBarton chapter 10
13-18 NovThe Doppler Effect Barton §2.5.4, §12.2, §13.3-5; suggested: Hogg §6.9, §7.1
20-28 NovIntro to Statistical & Quantum Mechanics Reif §2.1,4; 6.2; 7.9,10 (ereserve), Scherrer chapter 1
11-13 DecReview & Term Test Cover Sheets, Solution removed

Homework Assignments


Please see the course outline for the official statement of homework policies, and there will be a revised course outline with new homework policies distributed in January. The following are guidelines for the fall:

Homework Sets

Solutions removed

Last updated: 21:11 on 20 Aug 2014 to remove solutions